Student council and student leadership training in Hong Kong primary schools

King Man Eric CHONG, Wai Wa Timothy YUEN, Yan Wing LEUNG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


This article demonstrates how a Hong Kong primary school enlists students (aged 6 to 12 years) in school governance by having a student council and by creating a supportive learning context, including building a supportive ethos and offering training for student leaders. The significance of this study lies in its reporting of a successful case of a student council in a primary school and the impacts on the civic qualities of the students involved. This is an attempt at investigating: the educational impacts of a student council in a primary school setting in a Chinese context; and the collaboration between schools, teachers and a service provider in nurturing a school ethos and context favourable for student engagement. This study argues that although primary school students are young, they are able to speak up and act as office bearers in a student council in an effective way. They can contribute towards school governance by conveying informed views on school matters. A supportive school context consisting of favourable attitudes taken up by school parties, namely the school governing board, principal, teachers and students, is crucial. Hopefully, the study can shed light to the international communities on the nurturing of citizens through active participation in school community at an early age to have the competence to know, think, act, reflect and care in a new political environment marked by uncertainty and increasing political polarization. Copyright © 2018 Intellect Ltd Article. English language.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)329-349
JournalCitizenship Teaching and Learning
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 01 Oct 2018


Chong, E. K.-M., Yuen, W. W. T., & Leung, Y. W. (2018). Student council and student leadership training in Hong Kong primary schools. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 13(3), 329-349. doi: 10.1386/ctl.13.3.329_1


  • Hong Kong
  • Civic learning
  • Leadership training
  • Primary school
  • School governance
  • Student council


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