Structuring task-based interaction through collaborative learning techniques

William Thomas LITTLEWOOD

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


In a previous article in Foreign Language Teaching in Schools, I discussed the principles that underlie task-based language teaching and categorized different types of task in terms of a continuum from “focusing on form” to focusing on meaning”. The present article shifts attention to how the teacher can seek to ensure the participation of all students in the interaction that the task stimulates and minimize “social loafing”. In particular it will describe some collaborative learning techniques that may be used as a means of structuring task-based interaction. Copyright © 2004 中小學外語教學編輯部.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-3
JournalForeign Language Teaching in Schools
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2004


Littlewood, W. (2004). Structuring task-based interaction through collaborative learning techniques (1). Foreign Language Teaching in Schools (Beijing), 27(11), 1-3.


  • Language teaching methods
  • Task-based interaction
  • Collaborative learning
  • Social loafing


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