Structural relations between socio-demographic factors, parenting stress, parental perceived quality of life and young children’s weight outcomes in Hong Kong

Mei Sheung Christine CHAN, Hiu Ming John LAM

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Conference19th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research: “The journey of quality of life research: A path towards personalized medicine”
Abbreviated titleISOQOL 2012
Internet address


Chan, C. M. S., & Lam, J. H. M. (2012, October). Structural relations between socio-demographic factors, parenting stress, parental perceived quality of life and young children’s weight outcomes in Hong Kong. Paper presented at The ISOQOL 19th Annual Conference: The journey of quality of life research: A path towards personalized medicine, Budapest Marriott Hotel, Budapest, Hungary.