Strategies in developing computer assisted learning (CAL) package for training Changjei input method

Yiu Chi LAI, Mee Wah Eugenia NG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


In each year, thousands of students in HKIEd receive training in Chinese Word Processing under Chinese Windows environment. In learning Chinese Word Processing, the first step is to learn input method and the most commonly used input method in Hong Kong is the Changjei Input Method. It means that we have a high demand for an effective training program, especially CAL software packages. Unfortunately, we cannot find any suitable training software in the market. In fact, we cannot find any training software on this topic, which operates under the popular Windows environment. Most existing tutorial programs on Changjei Input Method are still working under DOS-based Chinese system, such as Eten Chinese system. The authors has begun to fill this gap. We attempt to develop a Chinese Windows-based training software package for the Institute to train student teachers. The paper is to investigate the proper strategies for developing CAL software for training Changjei Input Method. The process of designing CAL involves a lot of technical and instructional considerations. For the technical aspect, we have adopted to use the newly evolved RAD (Rapid Application Development) tools to speed up the software design process. For the instructional aspect, as it is commonly believed that speed of inputting Chinese characters can only be increased through sufficient practice, the software was implemented as a drill-and-practice program. Besides, we have taken the present school environment into account during the design stage. We hope that the software not only works well the computer facilities in the Institute but also can be used in Hong Kong secondary schools. The beta version has been released in May, 96 and it is now installed in the students servers at Northcote Campus I. It has been used for training student teachers in learning Changjei Input Method in a computer application course. After the course, a questionnaire was distributed to the student teachers to evaluate the instructional effectiveness and design of the software. The design of the final version will be based on this research findings.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 1996


Lai, Y. C., & Tye Ng, M. W. E. (1996, November). Strategies in developing computer assisted learning (CAL) package for training Changjei input method. Paper presented at the Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) 13th Annual Conference: Restructuring Schools in Changing Societies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


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