Strategic web development for language learning support in workplace education

Kam-cheong LI, Lai Yin KWOK, Lai-wan CHEUNG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


This paper sketches major developmental processes of building a web for workplace professional communication through Chinese and English languages at a tertiary institution in Hong Kong. The strategic development of the web comprised three phases, namely, pre-design, design and post-design ones. In the pre-design phase, learners’ needs in terms of the levels of web support and the necessary contents were assessed. Together with a comparative analysis of similar relevant webs offered by tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, the tentative assessment results were employed to generate a site plan for the web. In the design phase, when the webpages were written, a number of strategic factors were taken into consideration. In the post-design phase, the web was tested, modified and finalized through an evaluation survey. Eventually, new research issues relating to online distance learning and its further web advancement will be briefly addressed.
本文報告一個為支援中英文職業傳意學習而建立網站的主要發展過程。網站發展包括三個主要策略性階段。在設計前階段,發展人員就學員對網站的支援需求程度及必要內容進行了評估,並與其他具相近功能的網站作比較分析,利用評估結果編訂網站的藍本。在設計中階段,發展人員考慮了多個策略性因素,製作網站的具體內容。在設計後階段,網站經過測試,且透過用戶問卷調查完成評估、修訂及進一步的完善工程。最後,本文探討一些在線遙距教育的相關研究課題。 Copyright © 2005 香港教師中心.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)69-85
JournalHong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal
Publication statusPublished - 2005


Li, K.-C., Kwok, L.-Y. P., & Cheung, L.-W. (2005). Strategic web development for language learning support in workplace education. Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal, 4, 69-85.


  • Online distance learning
  • Web development strategy
  • Workplace education
  • 網上遙距學習
  • 網站發展策略
  • 職業教育
  • Alt. title: 策略性網站發展:為職業教育設計的語言學習支援


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