STEAM education: Virtual reality, creative coding, interactive design


Research output: Other contributionOther contributions


This TDG project implemented a set of STEAM initiatives to strengthen students’ competency in applying STEM skills for artistic solutions as well as to disseminate the STEAM practices to the wider community. Two undergraduate courses on the topics of Virtual Reality (VR) and Interactive Design were designed and offered, as well as a series of live coding workshops were implemented that allows the broader communities including school students, teachers, and the general public to participate. Through participating in the STEAM courses, students were able to develop their computational and design thinking, computer-mediated creativity, and other generic and STEAM related attributes. Copyright © 2019 The Education University of Hong Kong.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Oct 2019


Cheng, L. (2019, October). STEAM education: Virtual reality, creative coding, interactive design. Seminar conducted at Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Project Sharing Seminar (1), The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.


  • TDG project code: T0205
  • Period: TDG 2017-2018
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG)
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Output
  • Alt. title: STEAM education: Virtual reality, creative coding, and interactive design


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