Spatial and temporal trends of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in sediments off the urbanized coastal zones in China and Japan: A comparison study

Lixi ZENG, Chung Wah James LAM, Yuichi HORII, Xiaolin LI, Weifang CHEN, Jian-Wen QIU, Kenneth M. Y. LEUNG, Eriko YAMAZAKI, Nobuyoshi YAMASHITA, Paul Kwan Sing LAM

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64 Citations (Scopus)


To examine the impacts of urbanization and industrialization on the coastal environment, and assess the effectiveness of control measures on the contamination by chlorinated paraffins (CPs) in East Asia, surface and core sediments were sampled from the urbanized coastal zones in China and Japan (i.e., Pearl River Delta (PRD), Hong Kong waters and Tokyo Bay) and analyzed for short-chain (SCCPs) and medium-chain CPs (MCCPs). Much higher concentrations of CPs were found in the industrialized PRD than in adjacent Hong Kong waters. Significant correlation between CP concentration and population density in the coastal district of Hong Kong was observed (r² = 0.72 for SCCPs and 0.55 for MCCPs, p < 0.05), highlighting the effect of urbanization. By contrast, a relatively lower pollution level of CPs was detected in Tokyo Bay. More long-chain groups within SCCPs in the PRD than in Hong Kong waters and Tokyo Bay implied the effect of industrialization. Comparison of temporal trends between Hong Kong outer harbor with Tokyo Bay shows the striking difference in historical deposition of CPs under different regulatory situations in China and Japan. For the first time, the declining CP concentrations in Tokyo Bay, Japan, attest to the effectiveness of emissions controls. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)357-367
JournalEnvironmental Pollution
Early online dateFeb 2017
Publication statusPublished - May 2017


Zeng, L., Lam, J. C. W., Horii, Y., Li, X., Chen, W., Qiu, J.-W., et al. (2017). Spatial and temporal trends of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in sediments off the urbanized coastal zones in China and Japan: A comparison study. Environmental Pollution, 224, 357-367. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.02.015


  • Short chain chlorinated paraffins
  • Medium chain chlorinated paraffins
  • Spatiotemporal trends
  • Hong Kong waters
  • Tokyo Bay


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