Sociocultural approaches to second language learning: The contribution of cognitive linguistic approaches

Hugh Randal HOLME

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLanguage in action: Vygotsky and Leontievian legacy today
EditorsRiikka ALANEN, Sari POYHONEN
Place of PublicationNewcastle, England
PublisherCambridge Scholars
ISBN (Print)9781847183163
Publication statusPublished - 2007


Holme, R. (2007). Sociocultural approaches to second language learning: The contribution of cognitive linguistic approaches. In R. Alanen & S. Poyhonen (Eds.), Language in action: Vygotsky and Leontievian legacy today (pp. 203-222). Newcastle, England: Cambridge Scholars.


  • Teacher Education
  • Theory and Practice of Teaching and Learning