Social and metacognitive behaviours of students during problem-solving activities in a LEGO TC logo learning environment

Ting Kau LO

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


LEGO TC Logo is an educational kit that integrates LEGO building materials with Logo programming language to design, produce and control functioning robotic devices. This paper documents the outcomes of a study using LEGO TC construction elements and the LEGO TC Logo programming language as a vehicle to explore computer control technology and to enhance the development of practical problem-solving skills of students in a secondary technical school in Hong Kong. Metacognitive awareness, which is the awareness and control of one’s thinking processes and problem-solving strategies, was also investigated. A combination of quantitative and qualitative measures was used to evaluate (1) whether the LEGO TC Logo courseware was an appropriate medium for teaching and learning the fundamental concepts in computer control technology to secondary students, and (2) whether the LEGO TC Logo learning environment was conducive to practical problem-solving skills, metacognitive awareness and cooperative learning skills in secondary school children. This paper will present background information on the applications of LEGO TC Logo in Science and Design & Technology programmes as well as the methodology used to examine social and metacognitive behaviours. Conclusions, implications and recommendations in using such instructional hardware and software will be presented. Given the increased use of such related courseware in Science and Design & Technology programmes, it is imperative studies are conducted to gauge its effectiveness. The information provided participants will add to this knowledge base about the suitability and potential use of LEGO TC Logo in their classroom. Copyright © 1996 University of Hong Kong.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationScience technology education: Bridging science and technology education: Innovations and experiences: Science & Technology Education Conference '96 proceedings
EditorsKenneth S. VOLK
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherThe University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Education Dept., Hong Kong and Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education
ISBN (Print)9628093940
Publication statusPublished - 1996


Lo, T.-K. A. (1996). Social and metacognitive behaviours of students during problem-solving activities in a LEGO TC logo learning environment. In K. S. Volk (Ed.), Science technology education: Bridging science and technology education: Innovations and experiences: Science & Technology Education Conference '96 proceedings (pp. 260-268). Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Education Dept., Hong Kong and Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education.


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