Situating student approaches to learning English in a Chinese context: A re-interpretation of two tertiary vocational learners' experiences

Xuesong GAO, Philip BENSON

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Contributions to the growing literature on Chinese students’ approaches to learning English have emphasized either the influence of macro contextual factors on a characteristically Chinese approach or the ways in which interactions between learner agency and micro contextual factors lead to a diversity of approaches. This paper makes use of biographical interviews supplemented by secondary data in an attempt to account for the development in contextual terms of the approaches to learning English of two Chinese vocational students. Highlighting the roles of both macro and micro contextual factors in the development of their approaches, we argue for greater attention in research to students’ orientations towards contextual factors and to the ways in which contextual influences are mediated through individual experiences. Copyright © 2008 CUHK English Lanuage Teaching Unit.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)41-66
JournalAsian Journal of English Language Teaching
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2008


Gao, X., & Benson, P. (2008). Situating student approaches to learning English in a Chinese context: A re-interpretation of two tertiary vocational learners' experiences. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 18, 41-66.


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