Simultaneous polarization engineering and selectivity regulation achieved using polymeric carbon nitride for promoting NOₓ photo-oxidation

Zhenyu WANG, Qiuhua WEI, Ning ZHANG, Xianjin SHI, Meijuan CHEN, Yu HUANG, Junji CAO, Haiwei LI, Wing Kei HO, Shuncheng LEE

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Sluggish charge kinetics and high NO₂ selectivity are still the bottleneck issues that restrict the efficient NOₓ photo-oxidation and removal using polymeric carbon nitride (PCN). Herein, approximately 2 times higher NOₓ-removal performance and almost complete NO₂-inhibition can be synchronously achieved by maximizing the versatility of the coupled hydroxyl groups. The experimental and computational results reveal the roles of different types of coupled-hydroxyl groups in PCN in the enhancement of photocatalytic activity in terms of NOₓ removal and product selectivity. The spontaneous polarization effect caused by the introduction of the structural hydroxyl into the C₆N₇ framework accounts for the improved separation efficiency of the carriers. The mediated role of product selectivity was attributed to the process of surface hydroxyl grafting. Different conversion pathways for NOₓ photo-oxidation over pristine and hydroxylated-PCN were proposed. These findings provide molecular-level insight into the multiple roles of the coupled hydroxyls and can help design efficient NOₓ-removal photocatalysts. Copyright © 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Article number122582
JournalApplied Catalysis B: Environmental
Early online dateMar 2023
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2023


Wang, Z., Wei, Q., Zhang, N., Shi, X., Chen, M., Huang, Y., . . . Lee, S. (2023). Simultaneous polarization engineering and selectivity regulation achieved using polymeric carbon nitride for promoting NOₓ photo-oxidation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 330. Retrieved from


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