Similarities and differences in views of ageing and learning in Hong Kong and Australia

Siu Ling Maureen TAM, Gillian M. BOULTON-LEWIS, Laurie R. BUYS, Ernest CHUI

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


This article is an overview and summary of the findings from a General Research Fund project funded (2012–2014) by the Research Grants Council of the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong to investigate cross cultural understanding of ageing and learning by seniors in Hong Kong and Australia. Results have been published separately in Boulton-Lewis, & Buys (2015), Boulton-Lewis, Aird, & Buys (2016), Boulton-Lewis, Tam, Buys, & Chui (2016), Tam (2016), Tam & Chui (2016) and Tam, Aird, Boulton-Lewis & Buys (2016). These articles have dealt separately and variously with either a qualitative or quantitative analysis of learning choices in Australia, structural barriers to learning in Australia, a comparison of views of and ageing and learning in both cultures, Chinese views of later life learning, the meaning of ageing and learning to Chinese elders and an analysis and comparison of results in both places. The focus of this article is a summative discussion based mainly on the quantitative and qualitative analyses of the main themes of ageing and learning. It intends to provide an overview of the findings in some of the publications above. Other details can be found in the publications listed. Copyright © 2017 Taylor & Francis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)393-403
JournalEducational Gerontology
Issue number8
Early online dateApr 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017


Tam, M., Boulton-Lewis, G., Buys, L., & Chui, E. (2017). Similarities and differences in views of ageing and learning in Hong Kong and Australia. Educational Gerontology, 43(8), 393-403.


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