Serving PE teachers’ professional learning experiences in social circus

Chung LI

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Social circus has long been the folklore in the Chinese culture. Recently, initiatives have been undergoing to introduce it in the school physical education curriculum in Hong Kong. Aims: This article reports a study on 38 PE teachers’ professional learning experiences while attending two 2-day workshops respectively concerning learning how to teach social circus in school. Method: Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through post workshop evaluation questionnaire and interviews of 16 randomly selected participants. The interpretive inquiry was adopted as theoretical framework for generating meanings. Results: The findings indicated that all participants perceived their professional learning experiences positively. Factors facilitating their professional learning were the participants’ high professional expectation of the workshop, rich content of the program that could satisfy their novel experience and enhance their teaching, and the instructors’ good performance. They believed that social circus could be developed for cultivating students’ motor skills, physical fitness, Chinese cultural heritage, personal qualities, creativity and satisfaction as well as serving as inclusive activities. However, lacking of teaching materials, incompetence in professional skills, inadequate supply of equipment, anticipated managerial and safety concerns and the support from other PE colleagues were found to be the major difficulties for its implementation. On the other hand, high professional expectation, satisfying and novel experience, learning something, helpful with teaching, rich content and good instructors’ performance were enhancing factors for their professional learning. The findings generate understanding and insights on how serving PE teachers’ learn to improve their curricular practices for maximizing students’ learning. Copyright © 2010 New Horizons in Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Association.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)108-119
JournalNew Horizons in Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - May 2010


  • Social circus
  • Change of PE teachers
  • PE teachers’ professional development
  • 在職體育教師於雜藝課程之專業學習經歷


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