Sense of belonging of young cross-border students: Mobility, place and familial contexts

Kit Wa Anita CHAN, Lok Sun Lucille NGAN

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


ConferenceThe International Academic Forum of The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2016 (ACCS2016), and The Asian Conference on Asian Studies 2016 (ACAS2016), and The IAFOR International Conference on Japan and Japan Studies (IICJ 2016)
Abbreviated titleACCS/ACAS/IICJ 2016
Internet address


Chan, A. K. W., & Ngan, L. L.-S. (2016, June). Sense of belonging of young cross-border students: Mobility, place and familial contexts. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2016 (ACCS2016) and The Asian Conference on Asian Studies 2016 (ACAS2016), The IAFOR International Conference on Japan and Japan Studies (IICJ 2016): Cultural struggle and praxis: Negotiating power and the everyday, Art Center of Kobe, Kobe, Japan.