Self-management: Implications for teacher training

Wing Ming Francis CHEUNG, Yin Cheong CHENG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Argues for the importance of self-management in ensuring quality of teacher performance. Aims to propose a framework of teacher self-management and draw implications for teacher training. Teacher self-management is a continuous process comprising two self-propelling cycles. The major cycle consists of five sequential stages, in which teachers as strategic actors will be aware of the changing education environment and able to readjust their personal goals and action plans to meet emerging challenges. The support cycle facilitates action learning in various stages of the major cycle. Practising in the major and support cycles, teachers may develop the necessary self-renewal and competence for ensuring the quality of their professional work in the changing environment. From this conception of self-management, the traditional staff development practice in school can be re-engineered to maximize opportunities for facilitating teachers’ self-management and self-learning. For both pre-service and in-service teacher training, the self-management theory can also bring alternative ideas for reforming teacher education programmes and preparing teachers for quality performance in a changing education environment. The implications should be useful not only to educational organizations but also to other professional organizations. Copyright © 1997 Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)160-168
JournalTraining for Quality
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1997


Cheung, W.-M., & Cheng, Y. C. (1997). Self-management: Implications for teacher training. Training for Quality, 5(4), 160-168.


  • Action learning
  • Management
  • Quality
  • Self-managed learning
  • Teachers
  • Training


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