Second language accent perception and language attitude by Mandarin and Cantonese speakers in Mainland China

Yizhou LAN, Tongtong XIE, Jingbai SUN, Yuenan ZHU, Kwing Lok Albert LEE

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


One hundred and fifty-one Mandarin and Cantonese learners of English participated in an accent perception task and a language attitude rating task on Mandarin-, Cantonese- and native-accented English speech excerpts of various accent strengths. The accent perception results show that the native English excerpts received better ratings over both Mandarin- and Cantonese-accented ones. Both Cantonese and Mandarin speakers tended to rate Cantonese-accented excerpts as more accented than Mandarin-accented ones, despite good intelligibility. Language attitude results show that native English speech received the highest ratings on superiority and dynamism whereas Cantonese scored the lowest on both aspects. Mandarin-accented English received the highest score on attractiveness. The findings reveal native-speakerism among English learners in China and the necessity of preserving Cantonese in the Greater Bay Area. Copyright © 2023 IEEE.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of 2023 26th Conference of the Oriental COCOSDA International Committee for the Co-Ordination and Standardization of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques, O-COCOSDA 2023
Place of PublicationUSA
ISBN (Electronic)9798350344028
Publication statusPublished - 2023


Lan, Y., Xie, T., Sun, J., Zhu, Y., & Lee, A. (2023). Second language accent perception and language attitude by Mandarin and Cantonese speakers in Mainland China. In Proceedings of 2023 26th Conference of the Oriental COCOSDA International Committee for the Co-Ordination and Standardization of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques, O-COCOSDA 2023. IEEE.


  • Accent
  • Intelligibility
  • Language attitude
  • Superiority
  • Attractiveness
  • Dynamism


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