School leadership for learning and change: Progress of an Asian agenda

Allan David WALKER, Philip HALLINGER

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This chapter outlines the background, purpose, strategies, and initial outcomes of one centre’s research agenda into school leadership and change in the East and South-East Asian region. The Centre is the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) at the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd). The first section outlines research on the state of indigenous knowledge in the region. This provides the context and justification for our research agenda. The second section presents our purpose statements, the broad research agenda, and the projects under this agenda. The third section describes progress to date. The fourth section summarises some of the key contributions of the Centre – the intention here is to illustrate our outcomes. The final section summarises what we see as the major contributions of the Centre to date. Copyright © 2016 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLeadership in diverse learning contexts
EditorsGreer JOHNSON , Neil DEMPSTER
Place of PublicationSwitzerland
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
ISBN (Print)9783319283005, 9783319283029
Publication statusPublished - 2016


Walker, A., & Hallinger, P. (2016). School leadership for learning and change: Progress of an Asian agenda. In G. Johnson & N. Dempster (Eds.), Leadership in diverse learning contexts (pp. 145-171). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


  • Leadership and change
  • School leadership in SE Asia


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