School-family-community partnership in Hong Kong: Perspective and challenges


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36 Citations (Scopus)


This paper reviews the school–family partnership in Hong Kong in the past decade. The typology of Epsteins six types of partnership is adopted as the analytical framework. The results show that there has been an increase in shared experience in school education among various stakeholders. Schools have become more convinced that they have a role to play in various types of partnership. Home–school contacts have become more informal and two-way. Teachers have been changing their views of how capable are parents in supporting the school. However, the increase in communication does not seem to focus on childrens learning. The relationship of the school-sponsoring bodies and the Government was hampered in the exercise of widening the governance structure. Hong Kong parents mainly serve as supporters of their children at home in the past. They have now also become customers, and to some extent learners, volunteers and managers in school education. Copyright © 2005 Springer.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)109-125
JournalEducational Research for Policy and Practice
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2004


Pang, I.-W. (2004). School-family-community partnership in Hong Kong: Perspective and challenges. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 3(2), 109-125.


  • Child development
  • Education in Hong Kong
  • Family learning environment
  • Learning at home
  • Parent participation
  • Parenting
  • Parent–teacher associations
  • School–community collaboration
  • Home-school cooperation


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