Rethinking curriculum and pedagogy: Implications for kindergarten teacher's personality types

Yau Ho Paul WONG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


The relationship between curriculum and pedagogy is received less attention by educators. I propose that teachers' pedagogy acts as the mediator in the relationship between curriculum and children's learning outcomes. In particular, teachers' pedagogical styles such as instructional and learning styles are direct reflections of their personality characteristics. In other words, teachers' personality characteristics are implicit factors that contribute to an effective school curriculum. A pilot study shows that most kindergarten teachers are sensing types that prefer details and feel uncomfortable to the changes in school. Implications for early childhood education practitioners to consider the effects of teachers' personality on pedagogy are discussed.
教育工作者較少關注課程和教學法之間的關係。我認為教師所採用的教學法是課程與幼兒學習成果之間的中介因子,而教師的教學法取向,如指導和學習方式,是其人格特徵的直接反映。換言之,教師的人格特徵是引致課程成效的內隱因素。初步研究表明,大多數幼稚園教師屬感覺類型的個性取向︰她/他們趨向喜歡細節,而對環境變革較感不安等。這文章喚起學前教育工作者對教師人格特質與教學法之關係的關注。 Copyright © 2008 The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)38-41
JournalHong Kong Journal of Early Childhood
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2008


Wong, Y. H. P. (2008). Rethinking curriculum and pedagogy: Implications for kindergarten teacher's personality types. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 7(2), 38-41.


  • Alt. title: 課程與教學法的再思︰對幼兒教師人格類型的啟示


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