Researcher positionalities and the research space: (Re)presenting the identities of ethnic minority youth in Hong Kong from insider/outsider perspectives

Casey BURKHOLDER, Jan Christian C GUBE

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


There is increasing research on the integration of ethnic minority youth in Hong Kong, including how they make sense of their identities in relation to their schooling experiences. Drawing on two critical studies with Hong Kong-based ethnic minority youth using 1) cell phone video production and 2) interviews with photo-elicitation we highlight the ways in which researchers’ positionalities have implications on the ways in which they (re)present their findings. Using the axes of insider and outsider, we offer a nuanced account of the ways in which researchers working with ethnic minority youth in Hong Kong understand and analyze research data through specific cultural, racialized and contextual lenses. Copyright © 2018 CESHK.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2018
EventComparative Education Society of Hong Kong Annual Conference 2018: "Meaning and role of education amid global changes and local challenges" - The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Duration: 17 Mar 201818 Mar 2018


ConferenceComparative Education Society of Hong Kong Annual Conference 2018: "Meaning and role of education amid global changes and local challenges"
CityHong Kong


Burkholder, C., & Gube, J. (2018, March). Researcher positionalities and the research space: (Re)presenting the identities of ethnic minority youth in Hong Kong from insider/outsider perspectives. Paper presented at the CESHK 2018 Spring Annual Conference: Meaning and role of education amid global changes and local challenges, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.


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