Remediation of a phonological representation deficit in Chinese children with dyslexia: A comparison between metalinguistic training and working memory training

Jie WANG, Ka Chun WU, Jianhong MO, Wai Leung WONG, Tik Sze Carrey SIU, Catherine MCBRIDE, Kevin Kien Hoa CHUNG, Patrick C. M. WONG, Urs MAURER

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2 Citations (Scopus)


A form-preparation task in the language production field was adopted to examine output phonological representations in Chinese dyslexia and their susceptibility to training. Forty-one Chinese children with dyslexia (7–11 years old) and 36 chronological age controls completed this task. The controls demonstrated a marginally significant syllable facilitation effect (d = −0.13), indicating their use of syllable-sized phonological representations during speech production, while the group with dyslexia showed a significantly different pattern (d = 0.04), opposite to the direction of a facilitation effect. The children with dyslexia were then randomly assigned to either metalinguistic training (N = 22) or working memory training (N = 19). Only the metalinguistic training subgroup demonstrated a significant syllable facilitation effect afterward (metalinguistic: d = −0.13; working memory: d = −0.01). The results suggest the presence of a phonological representation deficit at the syllable level in Chinese dyslexia and its possible remediation by metalinguistic training. Such a phonological deficit in readers of a logographic script strongly supports the impaired phonological representation view of developmental dyslexia. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at Copyright © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere13065
JournalDevelopmental Science
Issue number3
Early online date06 Jan 2021
Publication statusPublished - May 2021


Wang, J., Wu, K. C., Mo, J., Wong, W. L., Siu, T. S. C., McBride, C., . . . Maurer, U. (2021). Remediation of a phonological representation deficit in Chinese children with dyslexia: A comparison between metalinguistic training and working memory training. Developmental Science, 24(3). Retrieved from


  • Dyslexia
  • Phonological deficit
  • Training


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