Reflective inquiry practice of English language teacher: Blogging as e-portfolios within the TPACK framework

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


This small-scale study explores how language student-teachers (STs) develop with blog as e-portfolio in a teacher education programme before entering the teaching profession. Trainings of blog platforms are provided aim at facilitating ST’s consolidation of subject and pedagogical knowledge in an e-portfolio as a single repository. This study further investigates the ST’s paradigm shift of knowledge construction and readiness of becoming beginning language teachers through continuous development of blog among the interaction of content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technology knowledge under Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. Artefacts such as reflective blog posts, questionnaires and interviews show increased awareness of structured knowledge construction with blog in consideration of three interrelated dimensions under TPACK framework. The STs are also becoming more confident to become language teachers with the influence of communicative language teaching (CLT) when exiting the teacher education programme. Copyright © 2013 MIT Departmental Seminar.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2013


Chui, H. L. (2013, October). Reflective inquiry practice of English language teacher: Blogging as e-portfolios within the TPACK framework. Paper presented at the MIT Departmental Seminar, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


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