Recent advances in noninvasive glucose monitoring

Chi Fuk Henry SO, Kup-Sze CHOI, Thomas K. S. WONG, Wai Yee Joanne CHUNG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

203 Citations (Scopus)


The race for the next generation of painless and reliable glucose monitoring for diabetes mellitus is on. As technology advances, both diagnostic techniques and equipment improve. This review describes the main technologies currently being explored for noninvasive glucose monitoring. The principle of each technology is mentioned; its advantages and limitations are then discussed. The general description and the corresponding results for each device are illustrated, as well as the current status of the device and the manufacturer; internet references for the devices are listed where appropriate. Ten technologies and eleven potential devices are included in this review. Near infrared spectroscopy has become a promising technology, among others, for blood glucose monitoring. Although some reviews have been published already, the rapid development of technologies and information makes constant updating mandatory. While advances have been made, the reliability and the calibration of noninvasive instruments could still be improved, and more studies carried out under different physiological conditions of metabolism, bodily fluid circulation, and blood components are needed. Copyright © 2012 So et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)45-52
JournalMedical Devices: Evidence and Research
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2012


So, C.-F., Choi, K.-S., Wong, T. K. S., & Chung, J. W. Y. (2012). Recent advances in noninvasive glucose monitoring. Medical Devices: Evidence and Research, 5, 45–52. doi: 10.2147/MDER.S28134


  • Noninvasive
  • Glucose monitoring
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Blood glucose measurement


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