Process writing: An online collaborative writing environment for primary school students

Kevin Kai Wing CHAN, Siu Cheung KONG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters

1 Citation (Scopus)


This paper aims to discuss the design of an online collaborative writing platform for primary school students. With minimal face-to-face input from teachers, students went through process writing (a learner-centric learning approach with brainstorming, drafting, revising and publishing stages), and created their own storybooks with visual support, online scaffolds and communicative features using this online platform. Initial findings suggest that this writing platform can be an effective approach to improve students' motivation towards English learning and writing skills. This paper also proposes that the Process Writing model can be used to facilitate students' writing of different genres. Copyright © 2011 Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education: ICCE 2011
EditorsFu-Yun YU, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Thepchai SUPNITHI, Gautum BISWAS
Place of PublicationThailand
PublisherNational Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand
ISBN (Print)9786161201883
Publication statusPublished - 2011


Chan, K. K.-W., & Kong, S. C. (2011). Process writing: An online collaborative writing environment for primary school students. In F.-Y. Yu, T. Hirashima, T. Supnithi, & G. Biswas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education: ICCE 2011 (pp.677-681). Thailand: National Electronics and Computer Technology Center.


  • Collaborative learning
  • Creative writing
  • Evaluation of CAL systems
  • Learner-centric e-learning application
  • Process writing


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