Preservice and novice teachers’ knowledge on preformal proofs: Triangle postulate as an example

Kui Chiu Issic LEUNG, Chun Yeung LEE

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


By considering the example of proving the triangle postulate, this study aimed to explore Hong Kong preservice and novice teachers' knowledge competencies and their beliefs about preformal and formal proofs. The findings revealed that such teachers are not proficient in using preformal proofs and do not realize that preformal proofs are a useful tool for connecting abstract geometrical concepts with concrete meanings. We conclude by providing strategies for teachers to use preformal proofs effectively in their teaching of geometric propositions. Copyright © 2017 Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Inc
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-80
JournalMathematics Teacher Education and Development
Issue number2
Early online dateNov 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017


Leung, K. C. I., & Lee, C. Y. (2017). Preservice and novice teachers’ knowledge on preformal proofs: Triangle postulate as an example. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 19(2), 51-80.


  • Mathematical knowledge for teaching
  • Preservice teachers
  • Preformal proofs
  • Teachers’ knowledge for proof and proving
  • Triangle postulate


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