Predictors of preschool process quality in a Chinese context

Nirmala RAO, Maggie KOONG, Wai Yee Margaret KWONG-LEE, Ngai Chun Margaret WONG

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36 Citations (Scopus)


This study examined how well (i) structural measures which are monitored by the government such as the physical environment, Health/Safety, Staff qualifications and Staff–child ratios; and (ii) management-related measures such as administration/evaluation, and Staff–parent interactions predicted process quality of preschools in Hong Kong. Focusing on provision for 4-year-olds, 60 preschools, representative of the range of preschools in Hong Kong, were observed to determine process quality. Information about structural measures was obtained through interviews of principals/supervisors and complemented by observations. Results indicated significant intercorrelations among structural, management-related and process measures. There was considerable variability in process quality with higher process quality evident in preschools which exceeded government requirements for staff qualifications, space and equipment, and staff–child ratios. Structural and management-related measures significantly contributed to prediction of process quality and accounted for 27% of the variance in it. These findings have implications for increasing the stringency of regulatory requirements and training focusing on the management of preschools in Hong Kong. Copyright © 2003 Elsevier.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)331-350
JournalEarly Childhood Research Quarterly
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2003


Rao, N., Koong, M., Kwong, M., & Wong, M. (2003). Predictors of preschool process quality in a Chinese context. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 18(3), 331-350.


  • Preschool quality
  • Chinese context
  • Program assessment


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