Predicting the naming of regular-, irregular- and non-phonetic compounds in Chinese

Kai Yan Dustin LAU, Man Tak LEUNG, Yuan LIANG, Chor Ming Jason LO

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13 Citations (Scopus)


This study investigated the contributions of different cognitive measures in predicting the three types of Chinese characters: regular phonetic compounds, irregular phonetic compounds and non-phonetic compounds. A total of 246 Grade 3 children (mean age = 8.63 yrs) were tested using a bunch of tasks including phonological processing, orthographic processing, morphological processing, rapid automatised naming and Chinese character naming. Results showed that advanced phonological processing skills contributed largely to regular phonetic compounds naming while other cognitive measures predict the naming of the other two types of characters. The results imply that the skills underlying the learning of regular phonetic compounds are different from that of irregular phonetic compounds and non-phonetic compounds, which are similar. Data from three poor readers whose performances pattern on naming different types of Chinese characters agreed with the pattern predicted by their performances in different cognitive tasks provide further support to the claim. Theoretical and pedagogical implications were discussed. Copyright © 2015 Informa UK Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)776-792
JournalClinical Linguistics & Phonetics
Issue number8-10
Early online dateMay 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015


Lau, D. K.-Y., Leung, M.-T., Liang, Y., & Lo, J. C. M. (2015). Predicting the naming of regular-, irregular- and non-phonetic compounds in Chinese. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 29(8-10), 776-792.


  • Chinese
  • Language
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Reading


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