Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ perception about teacher training and their readiness for teaching in the future

Jeffrey Kee Fung LEE

Research output: ThesisHonours Projects (HP)


The level of mathematical content knowledge (MCK) and mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) of pre-service mathematics teachers have always been concerned as those are the factors of the effectiveness of teaching mathematics. Some studied have also searched for their self-perceptions of readiness to teach secondary mathematics in the future. In this study, pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ perceptions about the efficacy of the teaching training in a Hong Kong university for teaching in the future were evaluated. Their self-perceptions about teaching in the future were also investigated, especially in their MCK, MKT, and general pedagogical knowledge. The study was conducted at a Hong Kong university with a five-year full-time bachelor program for secondary mathematics education. The result indicates that most participants do not feel a significant impact on their MCK and MKT, but their general pedagogical knowledge is improved. They also do not have a strong readiness for teaching in the future, but they feel more prepared to teach junior content rather than others. However, future training is required to strengthen all their MCK, MKT, and other pedagogical knowledge for enhancing their confidence to teach senior content, especially two extended modules.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationBachelor of Education (Honours)
  • MAN, Yiu Kwong 文耀光, Supervisor
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Honours Project (HP)
  • Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) in Mathematics (Five-year Full-time)
  • Programme code: A5B078
  • Course code: MTH4902


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