Practice of Vietnamese tertiary learners’ intercultural competence: An influential factor affecting entrepreneurial capabilities

Vuong Uyen Thy HUYNH, Yongxia MA, Thi Hoang Oanh THIEU, Quoc Lap Trinh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Intercultural competence (IC) is believed to enhance new graduates' entrepreneurial capabilities and employability in this 21st century. This quantitative study investigates learners' perceived levels of IC, regarding its four components: knowledge, attitudes, skills, and awareness [1,2]. An online survey comprising 40 items adapted from Baroudi's questionnaire [3] based on Byram's conceptual framework of IC [1,2] was administered to learners at a recently established state university in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. 148 eligible respondents were recruited on a volunteer basis. SPSS was used to analyze collected data. Results show learners' high perceived level of IC. Learners' intercultural attitudes component was found to be at the highest perceived level. In addition, knowledge and skills equally stood at the lowest level of learners' perceived IC. Learners' gender and academic field did not affect their perceived IC levels. However, participants' academic major showed to have a significant impact on learners' intercultural awareness. The findings inform stakeholders about the appropriateness of currently-implemented curricula for intercultural education and raise their awareness of the possible gap between learners' perceived levels of IC and their actual IC. The study also contributes insights into the literature on the relationship between learners' IC and entrepreneurial capabilities and employability. Finally, suggestions for future studies on IC are included. Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere26240
Issue number4
Early online dateFeb 2024
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024


Huynh, V. U. T., Ma, Y., Thieu, T. H. O., & Trinh, Q. L. (2024). Practice of Vietnamese tertiary learners’ intercultural competence: An influential factor affecting entrepreneurial capabilities. Heliyon, 10(4), Article e26240.


  • Intercultural competence (IC)
  • Intercultural competence development (ICD)
  • Entrepreneurial capabilities and employability
  • Higher education institutions (HEIs)
  • Vietnam
  • PG student publication


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