Perspectives into the onscreen marking of English in Hong Kong


Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This chapter details my research involvement with the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) leading up to the wholesale implementation of onscreen marking (OSM) in Hong Kong – where, from 2012 onwards, paper-based marking (PBM) has been superseded by OSM in Hong Kong public examinations. This chapter outlines a series of validation studies conducted into OSM with the support of the HKEAA. The context for the uptake of OSM worldwide is first briefly laid out, after which – to put the issues into perspective – an overview of the OSM process in Hong Kong is provided. Aspects of a number of studies related to the implementation of English are then outlined. This chapter closes with some observations about OSM and its implementation in Hong Kong, as well as further avenues for investigation into the effectiveness and applicability of OSM. Copyright © 2014 Springer Singapore.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEnglish language education and assessment: Recent developments in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland
EditorsDavid CONIAM
Place of PublicationSingapore
ISBN (Electronic)9789812870711
ISBN (Print)9789812870704
Publication statusPublished - 2014


Coniam, D. (2014). Perspectives into the onscreen marking of English in Hong Kong. In D. Coniam (Ed.), English language education and assessment: Recent developments in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland (pp. 237-255). Singapore: Springer.


  • Onscreen marking
  • Comparability
  • Marker reactions
  • Marker acceptance


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