Peer teaching as a pedagogical strategy for autonomy in teacher education

Philip BENSON, Danjun Issa YING

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


This action research study investigates peer teaching as a pedagogical strategy to raise preservice second language teachers’ awareness of autonomy in learning and teaching. Classroom observation, focus group interviews, and questionnaire were used to (a) explore how the student teachers engaged in the practices of peer teaching and learning and reflected on their relevance to their own future teaching careers and (b) identify the major benefits and challenges of peer teaching from the students’ perspectives. Most of the students actively engaged in peer teaching during the course and considered it as a strategy that they might later use in their teaching. Issues such as awareness of teaching elements, opportunities for peer learning, cultural diversity, and English as a medium of instructions brought both benefits and challenges for students in the process of peer teaching. The study points to a research agenda for pre-service teacher education for autonomy that focuses on the long-term impact of students’ experiences of a range of pedagogical strategies for autonomy on their future teaching. Copyright © 2013 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)50-68
JournalChinese Journal of Applied Linguistics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2013


Benson, P., & Ying, D. (2013). Peer teaching as a pedagogical strategy for autonomy in teacher education. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 36(1), 50-68.


  • Autonomous learning
  • Teacher education
  • Peer teaching
  • Pedagogical strategy
  • Alt. title: 作為教師教育中自主性培養教學策略的“互教互學”


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