Parental choice of primary schools in Hong Kong

Ming Yan NGAN, Chak CHUNG

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This study adopted qualitative and quantitative methods in drawing data through a pilot questionnaire survey and focus interviews in chosen schools. Twelve influential factors have been identified: School Reputation; Learning Atmosphere; Quality of Teaching Staff; Results of SSPA; Quantity of Homework; Learning Content; School Activities; School Building, Facilities and Resources; Home-School Cooperation; School Location; Recommendations from Other Parents, and Pupils’ Conduct in Public. The author then presented two recommendations for practice and further research for school practitioners.
本研究採用量化及質化的研究方式進行,向選定學校進行前測、問卷調查和訪談。研究發現12項影響家長選校的因素,包括:學校聲譽、學習氣氛、教學人員素質、升中派位成績、家課量、學習內容、學校活動、校舍、校舍設施和設備、家校合作、學校位置、其他家長之推薦、學生在公眾地方的行為表現等。文章之末,作者更為同工在實踐及進一步研究上,提出兩項建議。 Copyright © 2004 香港中文大學香港教育研究所.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)79-105
JournalJournal of Basic Education
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2004


Ngan, M-Y., & Chung, C. (2004). Parental choice of primary schools in Hong Kong. Journal of Basic Education, 13(2), 79-105.


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