Orientation project in Hong Kong

Yue On James KO, Pui Wah Doris CHENG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


In Hong Kong, the team investigated children’s social orientation by conducting interview and observation. Children’s social orientations are children’s ways of considering social interactions and environmental change, indicating whether they will become more adapting or participating or remaining to be dominating or withdrawn. The results showed that children who were dominant and withdrawn tended to be much weaker in many domains of school readiness. Although there were no generalizable results for gender differences, connections were found between adapting-withdrawal orientations and gender. The findings suggested that the social orientation instrument is useful for preschool teachers to screen and cater for children’s developmental needs.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2015
Event2015 Quality Childhood Conference International (QCCI): "Enhancing Quality Childhood Education: Synergizing Global Efforts" - The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
Duration: 18 Jun 201519 Jun 2015


Conference2015 Quality Childhood Conference International (QCCI): "Enhancing Quality Childhood Education: Synergizing Global Efforts"
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


Ko, J. Y. O., & Cheng, D. P. W. (2015, June). Orientation project in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 2015 Quality Childhood Conference International (QCCI) Enhancing Quality Childhood Education: Synergizing Global Efforts, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


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