Online higher education in Hong Kong: The state, the market, and the universities

Lai Man POON, Kwok Fai Philip HUI

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Global trends have led to marketization of higher education. The rapid development of Information Technology and the Internet challenge the established paradigms of educational enterprise. Hong Kong has restructured its economy in line with the Asian Pacific region and is undergoing change in order to establish itself as service based and technologically driven. This paper address online higher education in Hong Kong, with a focus on non-government funded continuing and professional education. Three cases of online education courses organized by public funded universities are identified together with online higher and continuing education in the private sector. Public-private partnership is developed between the higher education institues (HEI) and the online education service providers. The state intervention is only on traditional higher education programmes but the area of cyber education for adults is left to the market. Copyright © 2001 Ewha Womans University International Trade Cooperation Institute.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)127-150
JournalJournal of APEC Studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2001


Poon, L.-M., & Hui, P. K.-F. (2001). Online higher education in Hong Kong: The state, the market, and the universities. Journal of APEC Studies, 3(1), 127-150.


  • Development of Disciplinary Knowledge (e.g. Sociology, Psychology)


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