On citizenship management: The curious lives of the “included-outs”

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


In Hong Kong where my research takes place, postcoloniality has brought about new ruptures and shifting boundaries of citizenship in economic, cultural, and legal terms. Questions of home and belonging, and the implicated politics of dislocation and marginalization, have plagued two visible groups: the Chinese Mainlanders whose personal and cultural fortunes have been transformed by opportunities presented by the permeability of the city-border, and the foreign domestic helpers whose right of belonging has been caught in the discrimination of immigration laws. My argument is that their fates are conjoined by what I call the state of being “included-out,” something augmented by nebulous doctrines of citizenship rights as well as by legalized and informal forms of cultural racialism. Working through a few landmark human rights cases, I hope to outline the biopolitical continuum of the “included-out,” and draw wider implications for the question of bare life in outside belongings. Copyright © 2015 The 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2015
EventThe 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Duration: 21 May 201525 May 2015


ConferenceThe 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association
Country/TerritoryPuerto Rico
CitySan Juan
Internet address


Erni, J. N. (2015, May). On citizenship management: The curious lives of the “included-outs”. Paper presented at The 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


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