New product design with popular fashion style discovery using machine learning

Jiating ZHU, Yu YANG, Jiannong CAO, Esther Chak Fung MEI

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters

6 Citations (Scopus)


Fashion companies have always been facing a critical issue to design products that fit consumers’ needs. On one hand, fashion industries continually reinventing itself. On the other hand, shoppers’ preference is changing from time to time. In this work, we make use of machine learning and computer vision technologies to automatically design new “must-have” fashion products with popular styles discovered from fashion product images and historical transaction data. Products in each discovered style share similar visual attributes and popularity. The visual-based fashion attributes are learned from fashion product images via a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). Fusing together with popularity attributes extracted from transaction data, a set of styles is discovered by Nonnegative matrix factorization(NMF). Eventually, new fashion products are generated from the discovered styles by Variational Autoencoder (VAE). The result shows that our method can successfully generate combinations of interpretable elements from different popular fashion products. We believe this work has the potential to be applied in the fashion industry to help to keep reasonable stocks of goods and capture most profits. Copyright © 2019 Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationArtificial intelligence on fashion and textiles: Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textiles (AIFT) Conference 2018, Hong Kong, July 3–6, 2018
EditorsWai Keung WONG
Place of PublicationCham
ISBN (Electronic)9783319996950
ISBN (Print)9783319996943
Publication statusPublished - 2019


Zhu, J., Yang, Y., Cao, J., & Mei, E. C. F. (2019). New product design with popular fashion style discovery using machine learning. In W. K. Wong (Ed.), Artificial intelligence on fashion and textiles: Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textiles (AIFT) Conference 2018, Hong Kong, July 3–6, 2018 (pp. 121-128). Springer.


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