New audiences for art: Lessons from visits of young children to the Hong Kong Museum of Art

Kit Mei Betty WONG, Barbara PISCITELLI

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


In Hong Kong, young children are not regular visitors to museums, yet local education authorities highlight the value of taking children outside of the classroom to “widen the learning space” (Curriculum Development Council, 2006: p. 56). Among the many potential sites for learning outside of school, museums and galleries are identified as an important resource. Over the course of several small scale projects, a team of researchers sought to understand how young children’s learning was catered for in a range of public and private museums in Hong Kong. The projects explored the scope and quality of preschool participation in museums, and involved observations on the nature of young children’s tours to various museums. The projects aimed to gain an understanding of the situation for young children’s learning in Hong Kong museums and to learn more about the various interactions that support young children’s learning from museums and their collections. This paper provides a broad overview of the scope of the projects and details of young children’s experiences from multiple visits to the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMA). Copyright © 2017 The Education University of Hong Kong.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)42-71
JournalAsia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2017


Wong, K. M. B., & Piscitelli, B. (2017). New audiences for art: Lessons from visits of young children to the Hong Kong Museum of Art. Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 16(2), 42-71.


  • Young children
  • Museum experiences
  • Learning spaces
  • Preschool participation
  • Interactions


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