Navigating transprejudice: Chinese transgender students’ experiences of sexuality education in Hong Kong

Kan Diana KWOK, Kim KWOK

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


Prior publications on sexuality education experiences have often focused on cisgender students. Few have studied transgender students’ experiences, particularly in East Asia, and none have addressed these issues in the Hong Kong Chinese context, where transgender human rights are a hotly debated issue, and injustice towards trans youth persists. Using the concepts of transprejudice and rights-based sexuality education, this paper identifies the non-inclusive and inclusive sexuality education experiences of Chinese transgender students as reported in data from qualitative interviews with eight trans students aged 16–20 years from secondary schools and a community college. We identified the following themes: 1) Left Out – being omitted and silenced; 2) Terrified and Distressed – being misgendered and misinformed; 3) Outraged – being pathologised and bullied; 4) Empowered: connecting trans-Inclusive and rights-based education; 5) Affirmed and Supported – engaging in trans-inclusive dialogue. The paper argues that rights-based gender diversity content needs to be included in the sexuality education curriculum to reduce transgender students’ feelings of marginalisation. It also speaks to the need for advocacy for non-prejudiced and inclusive sexuality education in Hong Kong. Copyright © 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)552-566
JournalSex Education
Issue number5
Early online date04 Oct 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2022


Kwok, D. K., & Kwok, K. (2022). Navigating transprejudice: Chinese transgender students’ experiences of sexuality education in Hong Kong. Sex Education, 22(5), 552-566. doi: 10.1080/14681811.2021.1969908


  • Chinese transgender students
  • Transprejudice
  • Rights-based sexuality education
  • Gender minority stress
  • School sexuality education


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