Navigating cultures in graphic development: Testing the cultural socialization thesis

Anna M. KINDLER, David PARISER, Axel VAN DEN BERG, Wan Chen LIU, Belidson DIAS

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Graphic development and aesthetic assessment have long been of interest to psychologists, artists and art educators concerned with ways in which people create and respond to pictorial worlds and become producers and consumers of artistic heritage. While some universal theories of growth in the artistic and aesthetic domains have been proposed, a body of recent research has highlighted the importance of cultural factors in development of pictorial representation. This large cross-cultural, empirical, developmental study situated in Asian, North American and South American contexts tested the cultural socialization thesis in regard to the development in drawing and its aesthetic assessment. It explored relative similarity and difference in pictorial work of young children, adolescents and adults from different cultures, as judged by their cultural insiders and outsiders, with an attempt to separate and contrast universal and culture-based dimensions in relation to age, artistic expertise and the nature of pictorial task.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2002


Kindler, A. M., Pariser, D., van den Berg, A., Liu, W. C., & Dias, B. (2002, July). Navigating cultures in graphic development: Testing the cultural socialization thesis. Paper presented at the 9th International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning: New Learning, Beijing, China.


  • Teacher Education
  • Development of Subject Knowledge
  • Arts and Music


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