Narratology and intentionality: Analysing narrative research data

Matthew William DECOURSEY

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters

1 Citation (Scopus)


In recent discussions, scholars have distinguished between "event-centred" and "experience-centred" approaches to narrative. If the choice were indeed between these two types of analysis, the second would, as they suggest, be superior. This chapter will show that there is much to be gained from relating the two together, using methods recently developed in literary studies and linguistics. In this chapter, we shall see that interviewees may constitute elements of their experience in different ways: what do they constitute as an action (wilfully made by some actor) and what as an event (impersonally "caused")? Does the speaker telling a personal story constitute an event as his/her own action, or as the expression of the will of another person? This paper will also examine the issue of co-construction of narrative, arguing that the distinctions of narratology can help to distinguish more clearly which elements come from the interviewer and which from the interviewee. Copyright © 2013 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConducting research in a changing and challenging world
EditorsThao LÊ, Quynh LÊ
Place of PublicationHauppauge
PublisherNova Science Publishers
ISBN (Print)9781626186514
Publication statusPublished - 2013


DeCoursey, M. (2013). Narratology and intentionality: Analysing narrative research data. In T. Lê & Q. Lê (Eds.), Conducting research in a changing and challenging world (pp.119-132). Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.


  • Narrative research
  • Narratology
  • Intentionality
  • Responsibility
  • Co-construction


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