Music and rhythm for life workshop


Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Rhythm is integral to all life. Through the use of rhythm living creatures, including human beings, express themselves and communicate with one other in the quest for life. Musical performance requires the harmonization of the different rhythms of physical, psychological and physiological processes to achieve spiritual-somatic resonance. It also requires the attunement of “rhythmic rhythm,” “melodic rhythm,” and “harmonic rhythm.” The “rhythm of life” workshop builds on the paper session to provide hands-on opportunities for participants to make sense of the Chinese concepts and principles applied in music performance. Various Chinese instruments will be used to demonstrate the applications of these concepts and principles practice.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2012


Leong, S., & Nengjie, L. (2012, July). Music and rhythm for life workshop. Paper presented at the 30th International Society for Music Education (ISME) World Conference on Music Education: Music paedeia: From ancient Greek philosophers toward global music communities, Thessaloniki, Greece.


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