Multimedia performance installation with virtual reality


Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters

1 Citation (Scopus)


This paper presents an interdisciplinary approach for incorporating computer music and virtual reality (VR) practices into a multimedia performance installation. The approach makes use of the complete surrounding virtual environment made available by VR technology and the stage acoustic setting of spatial audio to achieve a fully immersive experience for the audience. A bring-yourown-device (BYOD) strategy is adopted that requires the audience members to use their own smartphones as a 360-degree viewing device. A number of issues in relation to the implementation of multimedia performances that incorporate VR are discussed, including a technique for synchronizing the visual content of the audience and the interactivity among sound, music, and vision. Copyright © 2017 Cheng Lee.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2017 ICMC/EMW : hearing the self, Oct. 15th-20th, 2017, Shanghai, China
Place of PublicationShanghai
PublisherShanghai Conservatory of Music
ISBN (Print)9780984527465
Publication statusPublished - 2017


Cheng, L. (2017). Multimedia performance installation with virtual reality. In 2017 ICMC/EMW : hearing the self, Oct. 15th-20th, 2017, Shanghai, China (pp. 347-350). Shanghai: Shanghai Conservatory of Music.


  • Alt. title: Proceedings of the 43rd International Computer Music Conference


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