Multi-dimensions of teacher performance as related to teacher's job attitudes and social norms

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Learnt from the experience gained from previous unsuccessful school reforms, to date teachers are considered the key actors for achieving education quality and school effectiveness. As such they are expected to play more important and active role in implementing school reforms and performing a wide range of roles and functions in enhancing student learning and school quality. In this respect, there is urgent need to understand the complex nature of teacher performance and develop appropriate strategies to enhance teacher education and professional development programs. This paper aims to report the findings of a survey study on multi-dimensions of teacher performance as related to teachers' job attitudes and social norms. This paper will first briefly introduce a new concept of multi-dimensional teacher performance from school organizational perspective. Then, the relationships among the various dimensions of teacher performance and teachers' job attitudes will be analyzed. Finally, implications will be drawn for enhancing teacher education and professional development programs.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2001
EventEuropean Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2001 - Université Charles de Gaulle, Lille, France
Duration: 05 Sept 200108 Sept 2001


ConferenceEuropean Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2001
Abbreviated titleECER 2001
Internet address


Tsui, K. T., & Cheng, Y. C. (2001, September). Multi-dimensions of teacher performance as related to teacher's job attitudes and social norms. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2001, Université Charles de Gaulle, Lille, France.


  • Teacher Education


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