Morality, class and the Hong Kong way of life

W. P. Thomas WONG, Tai Lok LUI

Research output: Book/ReportBooks


A survey of some recent studies of Hong Kong society reveals a convergent tendency to pose the question of the nature of the moral outlook of the Hong Kong people and its relationship to the development experience and the way of life of the society. This paper attempts a sketch of the morality on the basis of survey findings on the perceptions and value orientations of the Hong Kong people with a view to stimulating future efforts in conceptual formulation of the problem and in the construction of specific hypotheses for empirical testing. The argument of the paper is in two parts. First, the mobility opportunities in the post-war development of the society have instilled an openness ideology which is individualistic, economistic and capitalistic in nature. Moral concerns are prima facie indifferently treated, as practical results and success are competitively pursued. But at the same time, there is some indication that the quest for an open and free society is not reducible to purely economic, profit-related interests. Secondly, the Hong Kong people are realistic in their evaluation of their personal career opportunities; they believe that there are inequalities and conflicts between the rich and poor; in particular, they have a low sense of political efficacy. Pragmatic, even fatalistic, acceptance characterizes their social and political mores. They are hardly concerned with the moral implications of their individual action or the outcome of such behaviour. The paper ends with a few comments on the societal reasons for such amorality and the conditions for its change.
另外一方面,香港的發展經驗也有其黑暗的一面。雖然社會上成功例子不少,但也有失敗的事例。要成功也要付出代價。大部份對於個人事業發展的評估變得審慎,甚至悲觀。社會流動過程中的不平等是一因素。在對流動機會充滿希望的情況下,其實存在階級的矛盾與衝突。在個人的層次上,這表現成一種對社會及政治的無奈感。有機會就要掌握,香港人無暇理會他人的成功或失敗,更遑論去思考個人行為的社會或道德後果。如果沒有機會,那明天或許會更好。這種看透世情,但不厭世而玩世的世俗心態理念,與香港獨特的生活方式渾然一體,相通而不隔。但香港人的精神資源亦未必囿於這種「無道德」形態。對一個全面性開放,容許人人「效其能、盡其性」的社會也有一定的信念支持,而人心的變調,則更有其道德的基礎。 Copyright © 1993 Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherHong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
ISBN (Print)9624410305
Publication statusPublished - Nov 1993


Wong, T. W. P., & Lui, T.-L. (1993). Morality, class and the Hong Kong way of life. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


  • Alt. title: 《道德、階級與香港的生活方式》


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