Management strategies for promoting teacher collective learning

Chi Keung Eric CHENG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


This paper aims to validate a theoretical model for developing teacher collective learning by using a quasi-experimental design, and explores the management strategies that would provide a school administrator practical steps to effectively promote collective learning in the school organization. Twenty aided secondary schools in Hong Kong were selected by cluster sampling, and 777 teachers took part in the questionnaire survey. A structural equation model was applied to identify the interrelationship of the 5 disciplines of Senge’s (1990) learning organization model. Results showed that personal mastery and systems thinking are individual and collective level predictors respectively for teacher collective learning. Building a mental model and shared vision in a sequential order predict systems thinking. Management strategies in cultural, policy and leadership domains are recommended to school administrators who wish to promote teacher collective learning as a means of coping with the changes generated by the curriculum reform in Hong Kong. Copyright © 2011 David Publishing Company, USA. The journal web site is located at
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)33-45
JournalUS-China Education Review
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2011


Cheng, E. C. K. (2011). Management strategies for promoting teacher collective learning. US-China Education Review, 8(1), 33-45.


  • Teacher collective learning
  • School management strategies
  • Learning organization


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