Making globalization work for Chinese higher education by building bridges between internationalization and multiculturalism

Zhenzhou ZHAO, Gerard A. POSTIGLIONE

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7 Citations (Scopus)


The rapid expansion of higher education in China is bringing together two phenomena, internationalization and multiculturalism. This study explores the question of what Chinese universities are doing to bridge the gap between these two. Three types of higher education institutions attended by minority students are selected: a university under the governance of an ethnic autonomous region, located in Inner Mongolia; a university under the Central Ministry of Education in Beijing, and a university under the Ethnic Affairs Bureau, specifically designated for nationalities, in Hubei Province. A content analysis of selected relevant documents and interviews with university academic/ administrative staff, Han and ethnic minority students were carried out. Chinese universities seem more than willing to internationalize for status advancement. However, multiculturalism in the sense of recognition of ethnic minority cultures, is not viewed as bringing higher status. The implications for bridging internationalization and multiculturalism are raised. Copyright © 2008 Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)133-150
JournalAsian Ethnicity
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2008


Zhao, Z., & Postiglione, G. A. (2008). Making globalization work for Chinese higher education by building bridges between internationalization and multiculturalism. Asian Ethnicity, 9(2), 133-150.


  • Internationalization
  • China
  • Globalization
  • Higher education
  • Multiculturalism


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