Love me, because I rely on you: Dependency-oriented help-seeking as a strategy for human mating

Fei TENG, Xijing WANG, Qiao LEI, Kai Tak POON

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Existing research has suggested a predominantly negative view of dependency-oriented help. In contrast, the current research aims to test the positive function of dependency-oriented help in intimate relationships where interpersonal dependency is valued. We hypothesized that dependency-oriented help-seeking could function in communicating liking and romantic interests and, therefore, can be instrumental in attracting mates. Our hypothesis was confirmed across nine studies (N = 2,535). For help-seekers, a mate-seeking motivation could positively predict (Study 1) and lead to (Studies 2A–4) dependency-oriented help-seeking behavior tendencies (Studies 1–2B) and actual behavior (Studies 3 and 4). For help-providers, after activating a mating goal, imagining (Studies 5A and 5B) and actually receiving (Study 6) dependency-oriented (vs. autonomy-oriented) help-seeking requests from a potential mate increased help-providers’ romantic interests in that mate. Study 7 further showed the function of dependency-oriented help from the perspective of romantic competitors. As such, people in romantic relationships were more likely to see a potential competitor as a mate poacher when this person asked for dependency-oriented help from their partner. Theoretical and practical implications have been discussed. Copyright © 2024 American Psychological Association.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1215-1236
JournalJournal of Personality and Social Psychology
Issue number6
Early online dateMar 2024
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024


Teng, F., Wang, X., Lei, Q., & Poon, K.-T. (2024). Love me, because I rely on you: Dependency-oriented help-seeking as a strategy for human mating. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 127(6), 1215-1236.


  • Dependency-oriented help
  • Mating
  • Interpersonal dependency
  • Romantic interests
  • Autonomyoriented help


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