Literacy-oriented pedagogy in the advice of experienced language teachers as prospective practicum assessors

Elizabeth Anne WALKER

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


The study reports the impact of a professional development course on experienced, highly qualified secondary school teachers of English-as-foreign language, in preparation for their becoming paid assessors of student-teachers on practicum. The course concerned a literacy-oriented pedagogy informed by literacy pedagogical content knowledge (LPCK). The course view of LPCK was a not uncontested disciplinary change from traditional sentence-based pedagogical content knowledge about language to a genre-based view of both language learning and intellectual development as literacy development. The course providers were teacher-educators committed to the new pedagogy because of its perceived relevance to social justice. That is, equal opportunity for students‟ development of academic English for tertiary English-medium study, necessitated largely by the globalization of education. The course outcomes, in the form of the participants‟ spoken feedback to student-teachers on practicum, about four months after the course, were examined for evidence of teachers‟ course-compatible LPCK. The feedback was found to exhibit rather minimal evidence of the LPCK introduced on the course. Significantly, these findings were in contrast to those of Love (2010) working with first language novice teachers. Personal, pedagogical and contextual reasons are proposed for the difficulties arising when experienced language teachers are faced with new roles and pedagogical orientation. Copyright © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)182-198
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2012


Walker, E. A. (2012). Literacy-oriented pedagogy in the advice of experienced language teachers as prospective practicum assessors. Pedagogies, 7(2), 182-198.


  • Academic literacy development
  • Literacy pedagogical content knowledge
  • Practicum feedback by experienced teachers


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