Literacy in English and Chinese: Similarities and differences

Gillian Margaret BELL

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


This presentation will focus on the conflicting stories of literacy held by members of different cultures, the links between literacy and identity, and the implications of these for the teaching of English in Hong Kong. It will be informed by an earlier autobiographical study in which the researcher used narrative inquiry to interpret an attempt to develop literacy in Chinese, and will set that experience again more recent research which highlights the complexity of the relationship between first and second language literacy.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Event2004 Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics (HAAL) Meeting - , Hong Kong
Duration: 01 Jan 200431 Jan 2004


Conference2004 Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics (HAAL) Meeting
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


Bell, J. (2004, January). Literacy in English and Chinese: Similarities and differences. Paper presented at the 2004 Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics (HAAL) Meeting, Hong Kong, China.


  • Development of Subject Knowledge
  • English Language


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