Life and moral education in greater China

Chi Kin John LEE (Editor), Yam Wing Stephen YIP (Editor), Ho Man Raymond KONG (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBooks

14 Citations (Scopus)


Arguing for life, moral and values education as a bedrock for the original goals of school education, this monograph explores how life and values education is conceptualised and imparted in Greater China.
Under a globalized, transnational, and technological world, where there has been an increase in people’s mobility, in information and cultural exchanges, there is also a growing emphasis on personal and professional ethics. Against this context, life, moral and values education has gained attention for its impact on shaping students' characters as future citizens. However, the cultivation of these values is made deeply diversified and complex by varying interpretations of "life education" and "values education" across societies, given that different societies are influenced by different socio-cultural traditions, educational ideologies and religious beliefs. The means and approaches towards life education also vary vastly from formal school subjects, school-based programmes as well as teachers and peers’ role modelling, community services, extra-curricular activities, school discipline, charity work, pastoral care, and school ethos.
Recognising this inherent diversity and complexity in the approach to and the dissemination of life education, the contributors to this volume survey the practice of life education in Greater China so far, suggesting that life education is most effective when it is "diversified, dynamic and developmental across contexts". This book will provide the opportunity for engaging in important and serious debates about the future and the values that will underpin it and will prove of special interest to scholars and practitioners working on education policies curriculum development and teacher education in Greater China. Copyright © 2021 selection and editorial matter, John Chi-Kin Lee, Stephen Yam-Wing Yip and Raymond Ho-Man Kong; individual chapters, the contributors.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAbingdon, Oxon; New York, NY
ISBN (Electronic)9780429324161
ISBN (Print)9780367341466, 9780367709280
Publication statusPublished - 2021


Lee, J. C.-K., Yip, S. Y.-W., & Kong, R. H.-M. (Eds.). (2021). Life and moral education in greater China. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge.


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